- WHO Office in the Republic of Moldova
- Moldova State University
- Republican Association of Veterinarians from Moldova
- Society of Microbiology and Epidemiology of Moldova
- Centrul de Excelență în Medicină și Farmacie “Raisa Pacalo”
- Technical University of Moldova
- National Agency for Food Safety
29 Sfatul Tarii str., MD-2012
Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
World Health Organization Regional Office (WHO) in the Republic of Moldova offers support in the development of policies and strategies for the health system.
The WHO office in the Republic of Moldova represents the World Health Organization and its activities in the field of health, providing support in the development of policies and strategies for the health system and health-related fields; technical support for a wide range of segments regarding the promotion and development of partnerships; promoting health dimensions.
The WHO Office in the Republic of Moldova was inaugurated in 1995, in Chisinau, to provide continuous support to the Government and partners in improving the health status of the population through evidence-based health interventions and public health approaches, as well as through recommendations on strategies and health policies.
The activity priorities of the WHO in the Republic of Moldova are established within the biennial collaboration agreement, signed between the WHO Regional Office for Europe and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova. The WHO Office implements the agreement in close collaboration with national institutions and partner international agencies. Priority areas for 2016-2017 relate to communicable, non-communicable diseases, maternal and child health, preparedness and response to public health risk situations, health promotion through the life cycle lens.
bd. Stefan cel Mare si Sfant, nr. 1
Chisinău, Republica Moldova
Academiz of Sciences of Moldova (ASM) is a public institution of national interest, autonomous and independent from public authorities, apolitical, established for an indefinite period and legal successor of the Academy of Sciences of the Moldovan SSR, founded on August 2, 1961, reorganized on the basis of the Code regarding science and innovation no. 259-XV of July 15, 2004, with subsequent amendments and additions. The Academy of Sciences carries out its activity in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, the Code regarding science and innovation no. 259-XV of July 15, 2004, republished in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova no. 58-66/131 of 23.02.2018, with other normative acts, with the international treaties to which the Republic of Moldova is a party and with the Statute of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (new version), approved by the Decision of the General Assembly of AȘM no. 1/2 of 24.
Mircesti str. , 44, MD-2049
Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Republican Association of Veterinarians from Moldova (RAVMM) – is a scientific, professional, apolitical organization that carries out its activity based on the principles of freedom of association, legality and transparency, equal rights of all members of any nationality, political affiliation and religion, who recognize and adhere to the Association’s Statute.
RAVMM was founded at the meeting of the Congress for the reconstitution of veterinarians from the Republic of Moldova on October 27, 2017.
Currently, the Association has over 450 full members, veterinary doctors, veterinary inspectors, employees of NASA, representatives from all territorial subdivisions for Food Safety in the republic, teaching and scientific staff from institutions with a veterinary medical profile in the republic.
1 Academiei str., office 315, MD-2028,
Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Society of Microbiology and Epidemiology of Moldova
is a non-profit professional association, the purpose of which is to create an appropriate framework for scientific and professional cooperation of specialists in the field of general and applied microbiology. Founded in 1993, the Society became a FEMS member in 2006.
Currently, the association includes members-researchers of the Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology, the Institute of Genetics, Physiology and Plant Protection, the Institute of Horticulture and Food Technologies, the “Chiril Draganiuc” Phthisiopneumology Institute, the “Nicolae Testemițanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy from the Republic of Moldova, the National College of Medicine and Pharmacy “Raisa Pacalo”, the State University of Moldova, the University of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, the Technical University of Moldova, the National Center of Public Health.
28 Testimițanu str., MD 2025,
Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Centrul de Excelență în Medicină și Farmacie “Raisa Pacalo” este instituție de invățământ profesional tehnic, cu pregătirea cadrelor medicale cu calificare medie. Instituția a fost refondată în 2016 de catre Ministerul Sănătății în baza Colegiului National de Medicină si Farmacie din Chișinău. Această instituție și a început activitatea in anul 1944, conform Hotaririi Sovietului Comisarilor Norodnici din 18 octombrie, fiind prima scoală de felceri și moase. Efectivul școlii era constituit din 4 profesori titulari, medici-practicieni, 7 grupe și 215 elevi. Prima promoție din anul 1945 a avut 36 de felceri.
Technical University of Moldova (TUM) is a technical higher education institution in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, and is the only one of its kind accredited by the state.
The Technical University of Moldova was founded in 1964, with the initial name “Polytechnic Institute of Chisinau”, based on engineering and economic specialties transferred from the State University of Moldova.
In the following years, the university grew both quantitatively and qualitatively, it became a great educational, scientific and cultural center.
Postgraduate education is also organized at TUM, there are retraining and staff training courses. The Technical College operates within the “Faculty of Engineering and Management in Machine Construction”.
National Agency for Food Safety (NAFS) is an administrative authority from the Republic of Moldova with national activity responsible for the implementation of state policy in the field of regulation and control for food safety and in the field of sanitary-veterinary, zootechnical, plant protection and phytosanitary quarantine, seed control, quality of primary products, food products and of animal feed.
It was created on January 16, 2013, based on the merger reorganization and for the purpose of structural optimization of several institutions with control and supervision functions in the field of food safety.